Sunday, August 12, 2018

Duke & Dexter Camo Shoes

Hello, lovely people! This time i want to write about shoes. Shoes is my guilty pleasure and one of type of shoes in my wish list is camouflage shoes. Yeah, you read it right! From dictionary definition of Camouflage is the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them in with their surroundings. That's explain why military wearing a lot of camouflage pattern. But, in fashion camouflage pattern is a classic pattern that can show creativity with color. And this including pattern on shoes.  Duke & Dexter is my favorite brand when it comes to camouflage pattern and i have to admit their camo shoes is ICONIC! i know i can't afford it right but i ope i can afford it later in my life. So this is the list of camo shoes that i love from Duke Dexter

Classic Camo
This is the basic and classic camo pattern. i pretty sure you must have seen this pattern before, but i love how Duke & bring this pattern on loafers shoes. Make the image of elegant loafers shoes became softer and fresh with classic camo pattern.

Strom Trooper
This is another variation of camo shoes from Duke & Dexter. It's Storm Trooper and I love the color pattern that made from black, white, pale grey and pewter. 

Urban Camo Shoes
This one is my favorite, yeah urban camo shoes. Urban camo that have brown, wheat brown, bluish purple and black. It's totally reflect urban color.

Dessert Camo Shoes
Just like the name, the dessert camo have camouflage pattern that fit in dessert color. Shades of brown, wheat, beige and kind of wood make this shoes totally can camouflage in the dessert.

Atom Camo
This is a summer camo shoes. Look at the camouflage pattern that made from grey, pale grey and smoke color with the turquoise. A pop of bright color can totally change the elegant feeling and make it more fun and fresh

 Marine Camo Shoes
Yeah, this the exact camouflage that i expect from word "Marine". Shades of blue camouflage pattern that consisting of oxford blue, dark blue and sapphire blue.

Volt Camo
This camouflage pattern remind me of volcano. Black, two shades of grey is the earth color and the red orange color remind me of lava. Maybe that's why the give it name "Volt Camo". A camouflage pattern that fit the concept of volcano erupted.

So this is the list of camo shoes that i love from Duke & Dexter. i hope i can afford it later in my life and i hope what i write can be a help and reference for you. Hope you can enjoy it and see you at the next post!

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